Lipgloss Honey (Original)

Lipgloss Honey (Original)
Oil and acrylic on panel
19.8 x 19.8 x 5 cm deep
Regular followers of my One Hundred Pictures may recognise recurring tropes which pop up each collection. My succession of lip paintings began when I painted just the open mouthed glossy red lips from the Spring 2012 TOM FORD eyewear advert on a matte pink box panel for my series that year. It instantly reminded me of the work of pop artist Tom Wesselmann. Described in a 2016 article in the New York Times described as 'The Most Famous Pop Artist you Don't Know', he began a series of Mouth paintings in 1965 which he continued for a decade. His paintings played with scale - some were billboard sized - and he used shaped canvases so the paintings have a sculptural quality.
Inevitably his work has found its way into the fashion and beauty industries. Last year the brand Coach released a range of bags covered with his work in an official collaboration with his estate. Wesselman’s name might not readily spark recognition, but his work has permeated our visual culture. For me his legacy is evident in the TOM FORD advert which inspired me in turn to make a Tom Wesselmann tribute painting. How apt then, that this first piece was purchased by my beloved friend and muse Victoria Grant and adorns her studio; the hat I wear most of hers is her signature Kiss Beret. A felt, crystal edged pair of red lips perches atop and I always team it with my favourite shade of red lipstick.